What is not tuned automatically in this solution is the crossover frequency it-self, which is assumed to be either fixed or selected among a set of fixed values by the user.
Why Dirac Live Bass Control?
Broadly speaking, bass management is the process of configuring an audio sys-tem so that the bass content of the incoming signals is directed to the loud-speakers that are best suited for reproduction of low frequencies. The aim of Bass Control is to ensure that all low frequency content, regardless of input channel, will be perceived by the listener even if some of the loudspeakers are lacking in low frequency capability. The frequencies referred to here are typically in a range from 20 Hz up to about 80Hz. The reason why Bass Control generally works well is that sound in this frequency range provides very little or no directional information to human listeners, especially in spaces where the room modes dominate over the direct sound. Thus the bass signal intended for one loudspeaker can be redirected to other speakers without significantly affecting the perceived direction of the reproduced sound.
In general, the bass-capable loudspeakers could be one or several of the main system loudspeakers, e.g., the main front stereo L/R pair if these are large enough, or they could be one or several sub-woofers, or any combination of sub-woofers and large main speakers. In order to keep complexity at manage-able levels, however, some restrictions are necessary. In the version of Bass Control we shall therefore adhere to the following principles:
- If a main loudspeaker is considered capable of reproducing frequencies down to 20 Hz, it should be labeled “Large” and be excluded from all Bass Control processing. The loudspeaker will be fed with nothing but the full-band content of its own input signal, and its input signal will not be fed to any other channel either. This can be done in the Dirac Live application by select a crossover frequency of 20 Hz for that specific speaker or group of speakers.
- If a main speaker is not capable of reproducing low frequencies, then it should be labeled “Small” and be included in the Bass Control system. Its input signal will be split and processed by a pair of high-pass and low-pass crossover filters. The resulting high and low frequency branches are then routed to the speaker in question and to the sub-woofers, respectively.
- The LFE (Low Frequency Effects) channel, if such exists among the inputs, should be routed directly to the sub-woofers without any crossover processing.
Figure 1: A pair of complementary 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover filters, with a cutoff frequency of 80 Hz. The blue curve is the frequency response of the lowpass filter, and the red curve is the frequency response of the high pass filter. The green curve is the frequency response of the sum of the low- and high pass responses.
Details of Dirac Live Bass Control
Crossover filtersThe fundamental processing block in a Bass Management system is the cross-over. Bass Management crossovers mostly consist of complementary low-pass and high-pass filters of second or fourth order, corresponding to filter slopes of 12 or 24 dB/octave, see e.g., Fig. 1, above. The block diagram of Fig. 2, below, illustrates how crossovers are typically used for Bass Management in the simplest possible case: A stereo setup with a pair of small L/R speakers and a sub-woofer that reproduces the low-frequency part of a mono sum of the left and right inputs.

The crossover used in the the present Bass Control system are digital fourth-or-der Linkwitz-Riley filters with selectable cutoff frequency, as shown in Fig. 1. The choice of Linkwitz-Riley type filters is however not compulsory for the system to work as intended; what matters is that the filters are complementary in magnitude, which can also be attained with e.g., linear phase FIR crossovers.
Handling of multiple sub-woofers
A desirable property of an audio system is to have a smooth frequency reponse that does not change significantly with listener position. However, at low frequencies the standing waves of a room can be quite dominant, causing the transfer functions of loudspeakers to be highly irregular; the frequency response contains sharp peaks and nulls, and the levels of the peaks and nulls vary dramatically with listener position. Figure 3 shows the frequency responses of a subwoofer measured at 21 positions in a room. It is clear from the figure that although the average frequency response (thin black line) is smooth and well behaved, the response at each measurement position is very irregular, and the variations in level across positions are on the order of 20–30 dB at some frequencies.
Figure 3: Frequency responses of a subwoofer, measured at 21 positions in a room (blue lines), and their RMS average (black line).
It is well known that the use of multiple sub-woofers can help to mitigate such irregularities, especially if their locations, relative levels and phase relationships
Figure 4: Frequency responses of the acoustic sum of three subwoofers, measured at 21 positions in a room (blue lines), and their RMS average (black line).are chosen carefully so that they interact with the room and with each other in an optimal way. Using multiple sub-woofers also helps to increase the dynamic headroom in the bass since the required electrical and mechanical power is then distributed over multiple speaker elements.
Fig. 4 shows the result of adding two sub-woofers to the situation of Fig. 3, so that three sub-woofers are connected to the same input signal. Clearly, the
Figure 5: Frequency responses of the acoustic sum of the same three sub- woofers as in Fig. 4, after applying a small level adjustment and two allpass biquad filters to each subwoofer. The all pass filters and level adjustments were tuned according to a criterion that minimizes the spatial variation of the frequency response between 30 and 100 Hz.spatial variations are substantially reduced for most frequencies, but some variability still remains around 25 Hz and 60 Hz. Merely adding more sub-woofers to the system thus seems quite helpful in reducing variations, but as the remaining variations indicate, the end result may not be fully predictable
In order to get the most out of the multiple sub-woofer scenario, the present Bass Control solution provides a fine-tuning of the levels, delays and phase responses of individual sub-woofers, under a criterion that the variations across space are minimized in a selected band of frequencies. Fig. 5 shows the result of such a fine-tuning, where a gain factor and two all-pass bi-quad filters have been applied to each sub-woofer.
Single channels and stereo pairs
Our bass management filter design is somewhat more straightforward for single channels than for stereo left/right channel pairs. channel (e.g., the center channel C in a 5.1 setup), the Bass Control filters consist of:
- A pair of complementary high-pass and low-pass crossover filters. The low-pass filter extracts the low frequency part of the input signal and sends it to the sub-woofers, and the high-pass filter removes the bass and sends the remaining high-frequency part of the signal to the center loudspeaker.
- A pre-specified number of all-pass biquad filters applied to each of the high- and low-frequency signal branches. The role of these all-pass filters is to ensure that the sub-woofer and center channel transfer functions are in-phase around the crossover frequency, at a selected “sweet-spot” position in the room, so that no destructive interference occurs in the crossover band.
Figure 6 shows the summation of the left, right, and two sub-woofer speakers
Figure 6: Frequency responses of the acoustic sum of the same three sub- woofers as in Fig. 4, after applying a small level adjustment and two allpass biquad filters to each subwoofer. The allpass filters and level adjustments were tuned according to a criterion that minimizes the spatial variation of the frequency response between 30 and 100 Hz