How to use the Trim on a Director or CM amplifier

How to use the Trim on a Director or CM amplifier

Trim allows you to make small adjustments to the overall output level of a selected zone. You can find the trim controls on the right side of each zone, above the volume slider.

In most circumstances, leaving it at 0 is the best bet, but there are some circumstances where you'll want to adjust the trim up or down.

Using Trim on Groups

Lets say you have 6 speakers grouped together across 3 Zones on the Director amplifier, and the speaker pairs you have are not all the same. Slight variations would cause some speakers to be quieter or louder than others.
You can use trim controls to make it so all of the speakers play at the same level by increasing the trim on the quiet speakers, and decreasing it on the louder speakers.
The trim allows you adjust from -12 to +12 dB, but we recommend adjusting the trim in small increments. If you need to increase one zone's trim to +3dB but it's still not loud enough to match the other zones, decrease the trim on the louder channels.

Can I use Trim to make my output louder?

Yes, but it's not recommended. If your Zone is quieter than you expect it to be, start by changing the amp's input sensitivity to make it more sensitive to quiet inputs.
If you do adjust the trim to make a zone louder, do it in small increments, + 3 or 4 dB should be enough.

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