TV sometimes switches between eARC and built-in speakers

TV sometimes switches between eARC and built-in speakers

If your television repeatedly switches between eARC and the built-in TV speakers while connected to the Bijou2100, 3100, or 5100D, the issue can mostly likely be resolved by upgrading the HDMI cable. If a new cable isn't available changing the TV's audio settings should help get the system working consistently in the meantime.

Change TV audio and eARC settings

As a troubleshooting step, change the TV settings to use ARC instead of eARC to stabilize the connection between devices. This should stop the switching, and allow audio to pass freely from the television to the Bijou.
If the TV is still switching between ARC and built-in speakers, change TV's the audio output to PCM, simplifying the audio signal to improve stability.

Upgrade the HDMI cable

Ultimately, upgrading to a better quality HDMI cable should resolve the issue, allowing you to use the TV's eARC support without simplifying the output to 2-channel PCM.
We recommend a minimum 2 meter length HDMI cable with a minimum bandwidth of 18 Gbps.

Using a higher quality cable should improve and stabilize the communication between the Bijou and the TV.