Updating Firmware on the Bijou 2100, 3100, and 5100D

Updating Firmware on the Bijou 2100, 3100, and 5100D

The Bijou2100, Bijou3100, and Bijou5100D have 2 different kinds of firmware updates, an MCU and a DSP update. 
Firmware can be downloaded from the device's product page on www.audiocontrolpro.com, under the "Resources" tab.

Save Device Settings

A firmware update will reset the Bijou to its default settings. If you don't want to lose your Bijou's settings, it's recommended you download a configuration file before beginning any update. 
Navigate to the Bijou's Web UI, open the System settings tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click the Export Settings button, (optionally) give your settings file a name, then click Download, and a settings file will be downloaded to your computer, phone, or neural uplink.

MCU Update

Download the .bin file from your Bijou's product page on the AudioControl Pro website. Make sure the firmware filename matches the model you are updating. An MCU firmware file for the Bijou5100D would be titled "B5100D-MCU-xxx.bin". 
Navigate to the Bijou's Web UI, open the System settings tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Where it says "FW Update", click "Browse..."
Find the MCU firmware file and click Open. Double check that you've selected the right file, then click UPLOAD.
The file will begin uploading to the Bijou. This process may take a few minutes. The Bijou front panel and web interface will provide some information about the status of the update. 
Once the file is uploaded, the MCU update will begin. This process takes just about a minute. When finished, the Bijou will reboot and the web UI will refresh.

DSP Update

Download the .bin file from your Bijou's product page on the AudioControl Pro website. Make sure the firmware filename matches the model you are updating. An DSP firmware file for the Bijou5100D would be titled "B5100D-DSP-Vxxx.bin".  The Bijou2100 and Bijou3100 share the same DSP firmware, which is titled "B2_3100-DSP-Vxxx.bin".

Navigate to the Bijou's Web UI, open the System settings tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Where it says "FW Update", click "Browse..."
Find the DSP firmware file and click Open. Double check that you've selected the right file, then click UPLOAD.
The file will begin uploading to the Bijou. This process may take a few minutes. The Bijou front panel and web interface will provide some information about the status of the update. 

Once the file is uploaded, the DSP update will begin. The front panel and the web GUI should display the update progress. The update process may take several minutes. When finished, the Bijou will reboot and the web UI will refresh.

Load Device Settings

If you saved a settings file before the update, you can import it now that the update is finished. 
Navigate to the Bijou's Web UI, open the System Settings tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Next to "Load Settings", click "Browse..."
Open your previously saved config file, then click Import Settings. Import process takes about a minute, and when finished the Bijou will reboot and the web UI will refresh. 


Update Fails

If the firmware update fails at any point, you should be prompted with a message on either the front panel or the web UI. When this happens, you will need to power cycle the Bijou before trying again.
Disconnect power from the unit for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting. Once the Bijou is back online you may try again. 
Confirm that you are using the correct firmware file for your model of Bijou.

Web UI does not load when the update is finished

The Bijou is reset to factory defaults whenever it is updated. When the update finished, the device may have received a different IP address. Use an IP scanner or check the front panel LCD screen on the Bijou to find the IP address. 
If the IP address is the same, power cycle the Bijou by disconnecting it from power for about 10 seconds, then try loading the web UI again.

Note that if the IP address did change and you previously had a static IP address set, the IP will change back to the static IP once you import a saved settings file.