Using the Bridged Sub Out on the Bijou5100D
Outputs 4 & 5 of the Bijou5100D can be bridged to power an 8 ohm subwoofer. Here's what you need to know to bridge the output.
Physical Connection
Connect the subwoofer's speaker wires to the positive (+) terminal on output 4 and the positive (+) terminal on output 5. Leave the respective negative terminals empty.

Bijou Settings
Open the Bijou's web interface and navigate to the Speaker Config page.
Under Output Configuration, set Output 4-5 to Sub Out Bridge. You will be prompted with a confirmation warning to prevent accidentally sending too much power or low frequencies to any small speakers that might be connected. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to prevent the output from changing.

The subwoofer pre-amp out will not output any audio when Sub Out Bridge is active. All subwoofer signal will output from bridged outputs 4 & 5.
Use Sub Out Gain, Distance, and EQ sliders to control the settings for the bridged output.
A low pass filter will be applied to this output. The low pass frequency is determined by the Crossover Frequency slider on the Speaker Config page.

The low pass can be set from 40 to 150 Hz.

Only the Bijou5100D has the option for bridging. None of the outputs on the 2100 or 3100 are capable of being bridged.
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