Dante amps have the potential to access up to 144 Dante
streams at any given time, and each Dante amp only has 16 available
Dante Inputs. It’s important to understand how AC Dante amps manage
Dante streams, specifically when using both AC Dante streams and Dante
controller subscribed
Can I use sources from AudioControl Dante amps and other Dante Sources at the same time?
Yes! The AudioControl Dante amplifiers make some routing changes in the Dante Controller automatically to allow for audio matrixing, and you can add other sources to open inputs in Dante Controller.
You can use only sources from other AudioControl amps, only sources from other Dante sources, or a mix and match them!
How AudioControl and Dante Controller interact
When assigning a Dante stream from one AC Dante amp to another, The AudioControl signal will put itself on a matching input.
For example, an audio signal on RCA input 9-10 will try to assign itself to Dante input 9-10 when assigned to another amplifier.
We recommend trying to keep AudioControl sources and other Dante sources on separate channels. Meaning, if you have 8 sources going to your AudioControl Dante amplifiers and 4 other Dante sources, connect the other sources to inputs 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 in Dante Controller. Take the other 8 sources from your AudioControl amps, and split them up between multiple amplifiers—The first 4 sources can go into inputs 9-16 on amp 1, and the next 4 can go into 9-16 on amp 2.
Other situations
If you have 1 AudioControl Dante Amp with 8 sources connected directly to it, and other non-AudioControl Dante sources and receivers, your set up will work without interruption. An amp's local inputs and the Dante inputs cannot interfere with each other. Simply assign all your Dante sources to the inputs on Dante Controller, and the amp will easily switch between its local and Dante inputs.
Additional Assistance
AudioControl support team will gladly help you plan your system to
avoid any hiccups. You can give them a call at 425-755-8461, or email