Setting up Groups in a Director amplifier with Control4

Setting up Groups in a Director amplifier with Control4

You may have multiple sets of speakers you want to control in single area in your distributed audio system, the Grouping feature in the Director amps is here to help. Combine this with Control4 for a seamless user experience.

Set up your groups in the Directer Web GUI

In the Director's web interface, any zones you want to work in tandem should be assigned the same group number. In the drop-down menu labeled "GRP," select the group number, and then click GRP LOCK. For example, if Zones 1 & 2 both output to the same room, you can put them both in Group 1.

Once the group lock is engaged for each zone, any command sent to one zone in a group will affect every zone in the group. In the example above, changing the volume to 50% for Zone 1 will change the volume the same for Zone 2. Power, volume, input switching, and mute commands are all shared between zones in a group.
If a zone is not part of a group, do not assign it a group number.

Set up groups in Composer

Open the Composer software, and in System Design mode select your Director amplifier.
In the properties window is a list of all zones in the amplifier. Click on the drop-down menu for the first zone in a group, assign it the group number it was given in the Web UI, and then click Set to save the change.

Only the first zone in each group needs to be given a group number in composer. All other zones can be left alone.

The Group Leader

Once the first zone in each group is set, that zone effectively becomes the "group leader." Control4 will send commands to this group leader, and all other zones in the group will follow. In the Connections side of Composer, you will use the group leader zone as the representative for all zones in the group.

For example, if zones 1 & 2 are in Group 1, and the group outputs to the Kitchen zone in the house. Set Zone 1's end points to the Kitchen, and leave the other zone blank.

When the user opens the Control4 app to turn on the Kitchen, Control4 will send the command to the group leader, and both zones in the group will turn on.

Additional Assistance

Need more help understanding how groups work in the Director amplifiers? Try the article linked here.
For assistance setting up Dante in our amplifiers with Control4, we have an article for that here.
If you still need assistance, call the fine folks in tech support at 425-775-8461, or by email at